thirst 2

Karanda Hooke doesn’t need anybody or anything.

On her way to her sixth foster home, a crash leaves her stranded in the outback with only a backpack, a bottle of water and a faded picture of the mother she hasn’t seen in years.

This is her chance to escape her old life.

There’s only one thing in her way … eight-year-old Solomon.

Thirst is a survival story, set in the Central Australian desert, but it is a survival story with a difference, because my two lead characters, Karanda (14) and Solomon (8), don’t want to be found. They are runaways, trying to escape their future, but also running from their past.

Let me know what you think of my latest novel.

48 responses »

    • I am 13 and I just finished reading this book! After reading the first chapter I was hooked, this novel is so well written. I just can’t believe the ending I really thought Karanda wasn’t going to get on the helicopter. Also the link between Raven and Solomon came as a shock! I hope you are writing a sequel because I have so many questions!

      • Hi Alice
        Please excuse my lateness at replying. I work full time as a Primary School teacher so I don’t check my blog very often. Thanks for loving Thirst and for saying such wonderful things about it. I did have a sequel planned, where Karanda and Solomon find themselves trying to survive in the Daintree rainforest area of North QLD after chasing Karanda’s half-sister (who did not know she existed) who freaked out and ran away when introduced to Karanda. But alas, my publishers weren’t interested in a sequel.



  1. I’m just going to be straight up honest. This is now my new favourite book. It made my cry, laugh out loud and I really connected with the characters. This book really hooked me in. I wish there was a sequel. I love to read and can finish a book within 3 hours. This book had a great story line and I tear jerking moral. Sometimes I wish a book would never end.

    • Hi Katelyn
      Wow, you are a huge fan! Obviously you are an avid reader. Sometimes I wonder if kids are still reading these days, with so many technology gadgets to play with. I really enjoyed writing Thirst. I loved the growing friendship between Solomon and Karanda as they struggled to survive in the hostile desert. Despite Karanda thinking she was no good, and unlovable, she did an amazing job of looking after an 8 year old boy. Whilst I was writing it and editing it, I too would be in tears, especially in that final scene where Karanda finally runs out to the helicopter. My eyes are welling now up just thinking about it. I would love to write a sequel, but once again I think the book ends at a great place where the reader can ponder the future. It ends with hope, and that is a powerful note to end a book on.

    • Hi Katelyn
      Thanks for prompting me to reply. I hope you are enjoying your Sunday. My replies to your posts are below. It is miserable and rainy here. I hope there is sunshine and warmth where you are. xxxxxxxxx

  2. Wow. I was strolling around the school library just the other day, and I happened to pick out this gem. I’m not really the one for ‘teen reads’, leaning a lot more towards the classics, but first page in and I was hooked. I love they way you developed your characters, taking a particular liking to the main ‘heroine’. Awesome work, thanks for the amazing read!

    • Hi Emma
      Thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my novel, Thirst. I love the story and my characters and I am very proud of this novel. I am thrilled when other people love it too. It’s good to know that my book has made it into school libraries. Are you in high school, and which state?

  3. Really enjoyed the book, loved reading it. Loved the storyline, just loved it. Definitely a recommendation

  4. I really liked the book Thirst as I really enjoy survival stories (e.g Hatchet). It was very cleverly written and I loved the way it ended! Very surprising! Also I have read the first book in your Extiction series and was amazed! Defeinitley carry on writing and I can’t wait until you write another book! I highly recommend this book and all books written by Lizzie Wilcock!

    • Hi Leah-Anna
      Thanks for loving my books! I am a huge fan of Gary Paulsen’s Hatchet series and this is where my inspiration for Thirst came from. I wanted environmental conditions that were so totally different from Brian’s in Hatchet. The Australian desert was perfect. Let me know what you think of Extinction 2. It is faster paced and ties up all the loose ends from Extinction 1.

      warm regards


    • Hi Lisa
      Thank you so much for taking the time to find my website. I am so sorry I did not reply sooner. I am a teacher and I guess I just got bogged down with marking and programming, which I am sure you can relate to. But I am thrilled that your class loved Thirst. I have a sequel in my head, where Karanda and Solomon are a couple of years older and go searching for Karanda’s newly found half-sister in tropical north QLD, but my publishers aren’t interested, unfortunately.
      I am so thrilled to have fans in NZ!

      warm regards


      • Hi Lizzie. I have a friend whose daughter got this book secondhand. She has got to the end of the book and it is missing the last 4 pages. Do you know how they can get a copy of with all the pages? Thanks.

      • Hi
        That is crazy!. Unfortunately I have no copies left to sell, but I do have the manuscript on my computer. If you give me your email address, I can send the last chapter to you.
        Warm regards

      • Hi Jo
        That’s a tragedy that someone saw fit to tear out the final pages of my epic novel, Thirst!!!! I have no copies left, but if you send me your email address, I can send you the final chapter of the manuscript from my computer.

        It’s worth the read. Thanks for getting in touch with me.

        warm regards


  5. Pingback: Thirst By Lizzie Wilcock – Flicking on the book

  6. Hi Lizzie
    My daughter is asking for a copy if Thirst for her birthday in a few weeks but I can’t find copies anywhere. Do you have any suggestions about where to buy?

    • Hi Liz
      I am thrilled that your daughter would like to read ‘Thirst”. If you live in Newcastle, NSW, then Maclean’s Booksellers in Hamilton should have copies or can order one in for you. Most good bookstores should be able to order it in. Or you can purchase through online book stores like booktopia, fishpond or any others. Google “Thirst” and select the shopping icon on google and you should find the best price. Let me know how you go. If none of these have any in stock, I have some copies that I sell.

      warm wishes


  7. I just LOVE Thirst. I have read it at least 10 times. I really want to be an author and I one day want to write a book as attaching and addictive as Thirst. I would really love for you to write a sequel to Thirst! Please do consider it.

    • Hi Manni
      Thanks for writing to me. I am thrilled that you love Thirst. It was an absolutely adventure for me to write it. I also had the sequel planned, but my publishers were not interested. If you want to be an author, choose a subject that you are passionate about, and a genre that you read widely in. Then take some time to think as you walk on the beach (or ride your bike, or walk through the bush). The idea will begin. If it stays with yu after your walk, then that is the one. Take many more walks and begin writing down the plot ideas, characters, etc. It is an amazing process. I hope to see your books in the bookstores one day.
      warm regards


  8. Hi Lizzie, My class just finished reading Thirst including me. I completing adored it, I thought it was so well written, and the language you used made me so more engaged with the book. I really got to know Karanda And Solomon and would love a sequel.

    Kind Regards

    Cohen P.S. I’m only 10 yrs of age.

    • Hi Cohen
      I am thrilled that you loved Thirst. Are you in Year 4 or 5? Did you have your own copy of the book or did the teacher read it to you? I had a sequel in mind to Thirst, where Karanda and Solomon are adopted by the Saunders family, but then Karanda finds her father and goes to n=North Queensland to see him, but her half sister freaks out and runs away. Then Karanda and Solomon have to survive in the rainforest, whilst searching for Karanda’s half sister. Unfortunately, my publishers didn’t want a sequel.
      But it was so nice to hear that you liked my book, Cohen. I hope you are enjoying your school holidays.
      warm regards


  9. I Completely Love this book. I’ve read a lot of books But this is one of my Favorites along with like 20 more! I’m going to Introduce this book to all of my friends (I only have three)

    warm regards


    Ps. I’m 9

    • Hi Abby
      Thirst has many themes:
      First, it’s about how Karanda (and everyone) need to belong somewhere and feel loved. But Karanda had to escape to the middle of the desert and deal with some horrible truths before she realised that she was indeed wanted by the Saunders family. She kept pushing Solomon away and being mean to him, because she didn’t feel like she was a worthy person or capable of looking after a dog (as she had overheard the Saunder’s say), yet she proves that she is indeed capable of looking after herself and a young boy in one of the harshest environments on earth – the desert.
      The desert, and her survival in it, mirrors her survival in the foster system. There are ups and downs and happy times, but in the end you can’t keep running from people who love you. And when Karanda comes back to Solomon and the helicopter in the final scene, this shows her character growth and her understanding that she is indeed loved.

      Good luck with your report!


  10. Your book is great by the way I loved it. My mum read it and said it was a really good book too. I am doing a reading response on it now. I am 12 by the way.

  11. Hi! I don’t know if you still look at this page but I just wanted to tell you that I loved your book. My friend recommended it to me and its now my favourite book! I really hope to be an author when I grow up. I really hope there’s a sequel, thank you so much -April

    • HI April
      Thanks for your message. I am having a break from writing at the moment but I am always thrilled when people contact me to say they like one of my books. Thirst is my absolute favourite, too. I love survival stories, and setting one in the Australian desert was a challenge and a great learning experience. Unfortunately there won’t be a sequel. If you want to be an author, you are on the right path already by being a reader. Read what you love and then write what you love. Good luck.
      love Lizzie

  12. Hi Lizzie
    I’d like to purchase a copy of your book. Booktopia said they’re unable to source it at the moment and I can’t see anywhere else that I can order it online. Could you please tell me how I can order a copy?

    • HI Anthia
      The only way to buy a copy of Thirst is directly from me. I purchased a small number of copies from the publishers (yes, authors have to pay for thier own work!). I sell them for RRP of $15.00, plus postage and packaging, which is about $8.00, depending on where you live. Let me know if you would like to proceed and I will give you the bank account details for you to deposit the money. Please tell me your postcode so I can accurately cost the postage.

      warm regards


      • Thank you Lizzie. My postcode is 2070. I would like to order a copy of you could please let me know your bank details. God bless and protect you. Anthia

      • Hi Lizzie,
        I was just wondering whether you still had Thirst available for purchase as I can’t find it anywhere online? My students at school are currently using this as their novel study for remote learning and I only have enough copies for the kids and would love to have my own copy. If so, my postcode is 3875.
        Fingers crossed,

  13. Hi Lizzie. I loved reading your book Thirst, I think it was the first book I read in my first year in high school. I was wondering if the documentary that Solomon and his dad used to watch about nature is a real documentary, I am trying to broaden my horizons and see if I like documentaries. When I think of documentaries of boring, but I when had to watch one about the Amazon rainforest for school and I really liked it. It would be nice to finally know (after doing some research) if you were referring to a real documentary. If not, can you recommend any others? Doesn’t have to be about nature :))
    Thank you.

    • Hi Sandra
      Thanks for loving Thirst. The documnetaries Solomon watched with his dad were real ones. They are called Bushtucker Man. If you google it, you would find them. They are really old and probably a bit boring compared to the slick production of documentaries today. If you want documentaries about nature with awesome photography, you can’t go past David Attenborough. He may be old, but he is a legend!

    • Hi Sandra. Thanks for loving my book, Thirst. The documentary series that Solomon watched is a real one, which you can find by googling Bushtucker Man. It is really old now, so I wouldn’t recommend watching it. For awesome nature docos you can’t go past any David Attenborough ones. The photography and his knowledge are second to none. For any other docos, just google something like “Best Documentaries of 2020.” I am sure you will find heaps of interesting ones.

      • Hello i started reading this book when i was sitting in my schools libary couple of weeks ago and now only just finished reading it, i really want my own copy of it but ive looked every where online and cant find it is there any way i am able to buy it?

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